Sunday, September 22, 2013

A Dream on the Nile

I was able to cross more than a few things off of my bucket list this month. To take our first much needed weekend off, Jill, Turner, and I jumped in a Matatu and headed about an hour and a half down the road to Jinja, Uganda. To say the very least, it was an unbelievable, breathtaking weekend. We white-water rafted the Nile River, bungee jumped over the river, and simply floated down a few rapids, taking in every inch of the beautiful scenery. An email from a friend the other day told me that God uses the sky and the landscape as a sort of daily canvas that He paints on. I have never understood that more than I have during these few days in Jinja. He wants us to see these beautiful pictures He creates all over the world, and also take a second to stop and enjoy everything He has given us. This weekend was filled with adventure, beauty, relaxation, and thrill. And the whole time I could hear God saying, "Look at this, I painted this for you!". 

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